Trance and Energy Healing for Animals, Part III: Lottie and the apartment fire

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Lottie is the dog of Oliver Tappe, a German trainer at the Monroe Institute, and his wife. I knew Oliver from his online courses on out-of-body experiences and was shocked to hear on his YouTube channel that his apartment in Los Angeles had burned down. He was in Germany, but his wife and his dog… Trance and Energy Healing for Animals, Part III: Lottie and the apartment fire weiterlesen

Trance and Energy Healing for Animals, Part II: Arya – trauma from a killing center

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It was a sad story that Anett told me about her dog Arya: Arya was born in a Spanish killing center after her mother was found pregnant on the street. Judging by her tall, slender body shape, Arya originally came from a line of racing dogs and was not fulfilling her physical potential as she… Trance and Energy Healing for Animals, Part II: Arya – trauma from a killing center weiterlesen

Trance and Energy Healing for Animals, Part I: Peter

Peter, May 2024

I’m sitting in my parents‘ garden on the first of May in windy but warm weather and I enjoy having the property to myself for two weeks. Of course not just for me, because the cats and chickens are still there, too. My mother’s cat is settling down next to my deckchair while I’m drinking… Trance and Energy Healing for Animals, Part I: Peter weiterlesen