Trance Healing

Trance Healing is a modality first established in England that has only become better known in German-speaking countries in the last few years. It has its roots in English Spiritualism and is practiced in churches, where it is closely linked to speaking in trance and afterlife mediumship. However, denomination and belief in an afterlife are no requirement in the application. Only a positive intention of both, healer and client, is crucial.

In my practice I have found that Trance Healing helps particularly well with emotional issues and old traumata. But it also achieves success with physical suffering. However, in some cases it takes a few days to a few weeks for the energetic work in the session to bring about a change on the physical level.

How does Trance Healing work?

In a preliminary conversation via Zoom, we will get to know each other briefly and discuss your concerns. Although I don’t need any prior information in Trance Healing because it’s the spirit world and spirit beings that conduct the actual healing, I like to get an idea of the situation and often say a prayer for the client’s specific topic at the end of the healing.

Afterwards, I enter a light to medium trance state and thereby become a bridge between your energy field and the helpers from the spiritual world, who usually come from my or your spiritual team, but can also join specifically for this occasion. Most of the time the clients themselves feel how they are being worked on or they notice the movement of energy.

During healing, all you need to do is relax and adopt an inner attitude of openness. As a client, you may sometimes receive mental images or words or experience physical reactions such as sneezing, belching, spontaneous sighing or changes in breathing rhythm. The emergence of old memories and emotions is also common. These are signs of processing and cleansing. Emotional reactions and vivid dreams may also occur in the days and nights following the session. Don’t let this worry you because healing is an ongoing process on multiple levels.

How to prepare for a session as the client

After deciding to receive Trance Healing and booking a session, take a moment and formulate your wish or goal in your mind using the most positive words possible. You can also do this on the day of the session. The clearer you set your intention, the better the spiritual world can help you, as it respects our free will and may only intervene at our request. In the case of pets, do this on behalf of your pet. In my experience, most pets respond very well to Trance Healing if their humans prepare them for the session in advance.

A session lasts up to 90 minutes with a pre- and post-session discussion, of which the trance healing takes around 50 minutes.

I charge €160 for a session. Payment by bank transfer or PayPal.

A session for your pet costs €60. Please let me know your concerns about your pet by email or in a short preliminary conversation.

Contact for questions and bookings


I had a healing session with Teresa for my hip pain. She talked me through to the hypnotic state and I had a profound insight about the reasons for the pain. After the session, another insight came to me and released the pain. Teresa’s voice was so soft and calming and felt very soothing. She made me feel very comfortable and understood. Interestingly, my healing has affected on my daughter and healed her, too. I now have so much love and appreciation for my body that even if it aches, I’d react differently now. Thank you so much for a wonderful healing, Teresa. I wish everyone can benefit from your gift🙏✨🦋

– Makiko, London

Review Trance Healing with Teresa

I had a Trance Healing session with Teresa and it was really special. After the session I felt really relaxed but the most impressive feeling came up the next day. During the whole day I felt very emotional which is not common for me and I sensed an openness in the heart that I had been looking for a long time. My impression was that whole healing was mainly emotional than physical and it was just what I needed. I met Teresa at a healing workshop and I had the opportunity to work with her. When I got in touch with her soul during an exercise I saw a beautiful light full of loving energy, the experience was overwhelming! She is a beautiful and skilled soul and I can warmly recommend her.

– Giuseppe, Zurich